For the second year running, Hardwick Green Primary Academy achieved the Eco Schools Green Flag Award, with distinction. This is the highest level of Eco Schools award that it is possible to achieve. Here are some the highlights from our assessor's feedback:

"Well done for creating such a large Eco-Club! Pupils in your school are clearly very passionate about environmental issues and willing to go above and beyond to create positive impacts in their local community and beyond."

"Your curriculum link examples are impressively extensive and varied, showing your school’s integration of environmental issues across a variety of subjects and year groups".

"You state that the most significant success of your Eco-Schools’ work was the development of your school grounds through orchards, wildflower planting as well as allotment work and we agree that this is a phenomenal achievement!"

A very big well done to the Eco Club, and a big thank you to Mrs Newton for leading the Eco Club and putting so much time and effort into the submission. 

You can read our Eco Club report here: